Your knight, which I removed from the board weeks ago, you now claim should be resting on the king's fourth square, owing to a letter lost in the mail twenty-three moves ago. 你的马,几星期前我就从棋盘上拿掉了的,你现在声称因为23步前丢失的一封信,应该待在d4位置。
Seller shall be deemed as accept Buyer's claim if Seller failed to respond to Buyer with one month upon receipt of Buyer's written claim letter. 如果卖方在收到买方索赔书后一个月之内不予答复,则视为卖方接受索赔。
I agree to waive the right to claim for any proceeds which may arise out from the License of this Letter. 本人同意放弃被授权人可能因本授权书获得的收益。
Attach a copy of your shipping record for the above package. You may send all documents by mail to the address listed on your Claim Notification Letter. 附上上述包裹的运输记录的复印件。您可以将所有文件邮寄到〃索赔通知信件〃上列出的地址。
Therefore, an effective claim letter depends on various linguistic realizations and the communicative purpose of different speech act has to be achieved through different linguistic strategies. 成功的索赔信要运用各种语言手段,按照一定的语言策略采取不同的言语行为来实现其交际目的。
The interrogative mood occurs in claim letters but not in settlement letters. The speech function of interrogative mood is to ask for information, but as a settlement letter, illustration of current conditions is the main point. 疑问句只出现在索赔信中,疑问句的言语功能是为了获取信息,但作为理赔信,阐明目前情势是主要的。